Family Child Care

We proudly represent family child care providers throughout Massachusetts. As early childhood educators, we are advocating for providers to have a voice in improving the child care system, including more support for education and training as well as expanding access to child care throughout the Commonwealth. Together in our union, we are fighting for a system that ensures good and supportive working conditions for providers so that they can continue providing quality care.



Child Care & Early Education

Massachusetts family child care providers and early childhood educators have united in SEIU to:

  • Help Massachusetts families access quality child care
  • Recruit and retain a stable workforce of family child care providers that children and families can depend on
  • Enhance the quality of family child care by providing support and incentives for further education and training
  • Give Massachusetts family child care providers a voice in improving the early education and care system.

Resources and Links for Child Care Providers:

Local Union Representatives

William Cano | | 617-584-1222

Santiago Rivera | | 617-385-6870 


Family Child Care Providers
07/01/2019 – 06/30/2022

Family Child Care Contract (Department of Early Education)

Family Child Care Providers
07/01/2019 – 06/30/2022

Contrato de Cuidado Infantil Familiar (Departmento de Educación Temprana)

Latest news

Posted on April 22, 2020

FCC: Vote today to ratify your new contract!

Together, we fought to win a strong contract that values the work that you do as childcare providers. We need your vote to ratify the new contract! Please see the Memorandum of Understanding for the full details and check out the fact sheet outlining the historic wins including increased pay, an extra paid day off, and a medical reimbursement trust fund.